GoOd MonDaY MoRiNg CaLi

on 9/28/08 6:39 pm, edited 9/28/08 6:47 pm - Jamestown, CA
Well,shoot, I can't sleep so I might just as well get your day going!! The weekend was good regardless of the bladder pain... I managed to get the house cleaning, have a few WOW! moments, boxed up 104 pounds of clothes (some to go to San Jose for the Meet and Greet) other to be recycled...I landfill very little! The laundry is done and the goodie package of home canning is ready for shipping to AZ. All in all, not a bad week end at all!

I have gone from tops of 3X or 24 to 1X and 18's in just under 6 weeks.This tool is amazing. I am still not getting the fluids I should, but I am working on it. And I hit the 40 pound mark!!! I am stoked!!!!

Ms.Shell, Just wanted to congratulate you on you climb, I am sure everyone here will say how proud we all are of you. Good Job!!!

Janine, Hope the mural work went well this week end. I can't wait to see the finished project. And I am sure your poor hands will be grateful to be finished as well!

I see there are a few new people that are on the Cali board (newer than me even.

Today I have to have a gallon of blood work done for 2 different Dr.s...Oh, joy, oh, joy! I hate it cause they rarely can get me on the first stick. Sometime I wish I could just do it myself.I just couldn't bring myself to do that. Now I can give myself a shot but not hit a vein .

If I wasn't going to the Bay Area this week end I would go "camping" in the "turd" (my ugly RV) before the weather gets to cold. Hmmm, I might just do that the following week (before hunting season starts up there wouldn't want to get shot by some flatlander LOL) I will have to post a pic sometime soon of this "turd" of mine. It has character??

Hope everyone has a wonder and safe week. Now I am going to sleep. I hope, it would be nice.


on 9/28/08 8:23 pm - La Mesa, CA
Good Morning and Good Night Joy...
I, like you, cannot sleep, so here I sit. I find it very aggrivating.
I am also newly out of surgery, "almost" 3 weeks. (Sept 10th was the big day). I have started to eat soe "real food". OMG, sometimes it feels like a new buffet to me!! LOL
I am very tired, do you get that feeling? I am trying to build my strength because I have my old RV loaded and ready to travel. I set up a camp site for the 9th thru the 12th of October. (Just feel like I need some open space, ya know)
I know what you mean abut packing up old clothes. I did that and then had one of my WLS classmates come over adn rummage thru to see if there was anything she could use. She was thrilled to get it and I was thrilled to get rid of it!! (trash vs treasure) lol
So, on that note, I guess I will find something else to do now!
Have a FABUUUUU Monday!

Janine J.
on 9/28/08 10:23 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Goodmorning JOy...and I am glad you were not sleeping cuz I sure was!

I am tired beyond belief and wish I could take a day off again, but I do not thing that is going to happen.

I worked both days this weekend on that mural and logged some long ass hours. I finished the sky and as Jeff's says...there is about 1/6th of the desert floor done. That sounds encouraging. It is a lot of fine cut pieces not cut in around the the folage. I split my hand open in one of the lines in the palm of my right hand that really really hurts....that was a first to do something like that. I am going to have to watch it for infection.

Joy I think you are doing such an awesome job with your new tool.....and I am telling are going to be one hot mama at Evergreen!!!!! Oh and I wanna see a pic of the turd...LOL that really made me laugh...I use to have a car years ago that I called gutbucket!!! LOL


Have a great day everyone!!!


“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 9/29/08 1:43 am - Los Angeles, CA

Sorry to hear about you hand being sliced.  I hope it is not too painful and don't get in the way of what you need to do.

Without struggle, there is no progress.

on 9/29/08 7:07 am - Jamestown, CA
Honey I have one word for you...G-l-o-v-e-s!!
Sorry you husrt your hand..

Living Life
on 9/28/08 10:24 pm - Riverside, CA
Good Morning Calif

Hey Joy, thanks for the great start for the day.

I work agian today, so nothing planned for today. Tomorrow, I plan on sleeping for hours. I hate having to get up for work. Weird, because  I don't mind getting up just to get up.

Last night when I got home from work. Fresser was NO WHERE to be found. I freaked OUT. I went out front and called her name, came back in the house and looked in the bed room. Where could she be. Then out of no where she came running around. All happy to see me. Where the heck was she? I still don't know. But I looked all over the place and I even checked out back to make sure she didn't dig out, or something. (which was stupid since my back yard is all brick work) But I checked anyway. But I didn't find any where where there was digging or anything other then where Rylos sleeps. (the turtle) so unless she was sleeping with Rylos, I am totaly at a loss. I will check better tomorrow, when its light out side and I can see.

OH well time to get moving. I wish you all a great day.
Have a truly Manic Monday
on 9/29/08 7:18 am - Jamestown, CA
on 9/28/08 10:25 pm - CA
good morning joy and good night,,good morning cali crew...
i'm up early from having a bad dream.. i hate those.. anyway i need to get rid of my clothes as well . it's taking to much room in my drawers.. i think i'll do that today..i'm still waiting to get my endoscope done to see it i have an ulcer.. the docs office is lagging.. they don't understand that i'm in pain... i'm going through the pain killers like crazy...i'm taking it every 4 hours... arrrrr.. so frustrating.. anyway i have to get my blood work done today for my 2months... fun fun... so l'm gonna go now i hope everyone has a awsome monday ...
Janel B
on 9/29/08 12:43 am - Oakley, CA
Ok, you wanna talk about bad dreams.....When I was on Percoset in Mexico, I drempt that two 80 year old ladies were trying to make out with me.............what the heck!! I woke up screaming! Then the next night, I drempt a good friend of mine, a big ol' 6'7" guy, had me on the ground and was kicking me!!!

I'll never take Percoset again, I tell you!!!!!!!!
Jeni H.
on 9/28/08 10:26 pm

Good morning Joy and Cali friends!

I hope you all had a great weekend.  It was nice, went too fast as usual.  We bought our travel trailer yesterday.  I Love Camp  It's a 2009 Coachmen. OMG!  It is very nice, we are excited to get out there in the "open space" as well!   Camp Fire We will not pick it up until next week sometime.  We have to get our gate on our RV slab rebuilt and clean out the space but it will happen soon enough!

I am also getting excited about my Pre-op appointment.  It is finally here, I go on Wednesday!!!  Yippee!!!   Dance The off to surgery on October 16th.  I thought it would never get here and then all of the sudden, yikes!!!  it's right around the corner. 
Well, I hope you all have a great, great day.


Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

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